
Sunday, December 18, 2011

End Of the Year Length Check

So after all the trims I did during the summer, going back slightly longer than shoulder length I'm happy to say I have gotten most of my length back and my roots are much thicker then after my trip to GH. 

Today I washed with Aphogee Moisturizing shampoo, then black tea rinsed, PCC, Protein with Aphoogee Two-Step, Conditioned with Aphoogee Moisture Balance, whooh!

I blew dried because I will be doing an install later on...

I think Im about 2 inches away from APL, My hope is that by April 2012 I'm a healthy APL.

What are everyones goals for the new year?



  1. You're so close!!

    My 2012 goals are to reach BSL and to retain as much length as possible (less cutting!)

  2. Yea I let go of the scissors in september! no more, sticking to dusting with relaxers
